Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Gingercat vs. Food

Gingercat strikes again!

In this fine short film full of conflict, strife, and tears.

(forgive the mildly long load time)


  1. Very sort of; I'm still working eight billion jobs (and I smell a root canal in my future $$$$$$$$$$$$$) -- but maybe, maybe.

  2. Did not work for me at all. boohoo

  3. I know you've been AWOL for a while, but I thought that I'd pop in to let you know that Hanny and I granted you the Versatile Blogger Award at our blog! :D

    -Barb the French Bean


Hi! I'm glad you want to comment! Please make sure you've reviewed the F.A.Q. if you want to make a non-specific comment about the site.

This is a happy, constructive, kind place. Don't pollute it with bile, please.

Thanks guys!