Friday, October 8, 2010

Hackett Family Edited Movie: Braveheart

Growing up, I wasn’t allowed to watch a lot of things. This included certain epic, life-altering movies -- Braveheart was one of them. At some point, a kind member of my family thought this was stupid and called my dad to see if I could watch it since I was "old enough". My dad agreed, but he put some weird stipulations on it that must have included no violence and no nudity.

So I wound up watching the following version of Braveheart, much to my ever-lasting confusion:


  1. Funny...that was pretty much the same version my parents allowed me to watch...if you're a distant cousin this would not surprise me in the least.

    I heard ponies die in the movie too, and that just made me sad, so I suppose its all for the best I've never seen the "Real" Braveheart.

  2. Ahhh yes... Edited versions. Hehehehe!

  3. Love it!! I'm gonna show my kids your version so they can tell their friends they saw the movie :) I have a feeling they'll enjoy yours better (especially the butt).

  4. I wish I could have gotten edited versions! I got no versions. Of any movies. Except when I was with friends and pretended to their parents that my parents would have no problem with me seeing Die Hard at age 8.

    Come to think of it I wish someone would have shut off Old Yeller for me. Saw it at someone's sleepover party. What a way to send children off to try to sleep

  5. DLK -- Let us know how they like it!

    Anna -- Phahaha. Poor kids.

  6. I never saw it either...
    Turns out he dies at the end? Or maybe...the screen just goes scratchy?
    Hard to say. I knew about the bum and the blue. Thanks for the education.

  7. I still haven't seen "Braveheart," but I've heard about the mooning as well. :-P

    -Barb the French Bean

  8. I grew up with a firm belief that "The Sound of Music" ended with the concert. I didn't realize until I was around 18 that there were Nazi's in it at all. No idea what happened there.

  9. It can take an nerves of steel to write about your family! Also... Mel Gibsons derriere - do not want to see! :)!

  10. I did see braveheart, but this is also more or less what I remember too...


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